Why Cloud Computing?

Why Cloud Computing?

Types of cloud computing.

Nowadays, there is so much talk of the cloud. From cloud storage, to cloud streaming, to media and file storage in the cloud. However, the big questions are: What is it? What benefits does it have? And how does it tie into VoIP services? All will be discussed below.

What is the cloud?

Even though it sounds like there are a lot of variations to cloud platforms, and cloud uses; the process behind how the cloud works for all cloud computing is roughly the same.

The cloud is essentially when servers with information are accessed over an internet connection. The cloud is a great solution for many companies, as it allows them to store everything they need off-site, and not have to worry about having an on-site server to manage themselves.

Another benefit of the cloud is, since everything is stored off-site in various data centers, anything in the cloud can be accessed from almost anywhere by almost any devices. In turn, this gives companies much greater flexibility in how and where they can access their information and applications.

The cloud & VoIP

Now, we have spoken about the cloud, how it works, and some of the benefits it provides; but how does cloud computing tie into something like a VoIP service?

Well, similar to what we’ve already discussed, cloud-based VoIP is when information for phone systems is stored off-site in data centers generally hosted by a VoIP provider.

Thus, the company paying to use the VoIP service removes the need to invest in the equipment required to host the phone system themselves.

Also, just like all other cloud computing, the information can be accessed anywhere, and from pretty much any phone device. These systems also allow companies to quickly add and set up more phone lines should they require the need to do so.

Ending Thoughts

As you can see, the technology behind the cloud is relatively easy to understand. It’s simply when all the information, data, applications, etc. are all stored off-site in data centers around the world. As we have mentioned, hosted VoIP follows the same principle.

The flexibility, less need for investment, and level of security the cloud provides is unmatched. It’s fair to say, cloud computing is here to stay, and will continue to see advancements in the years to come.

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