The Costs Associated with VoIP

The Costs Associated with VoIP

VoIP services are generally known for offering a high level of service, as well as being a cost effective phone solution for their customers. However, what costs are associated with VoIP anyway? Well, let’s take a look at a few.

VoIP Plan Cost

To start, the most common cost any VoIP user will incur is the cost of the VoIP service itself. Generally, most VoIP providers offer different plans or packages. This is to accommodate the various degrees of of services a company might require.

For example, a small boutique clothing store might need one phone and a basic voice package. On the other hand, a larger company that manages customer service inquiries in-house would require a VoIP plan with call-center support.

On average, most VoIP plans start at around $20 a month per line. You can choose from different plan options should you need additional features.

At Spartel for example, we have three different plans: a basic, standard, and bells-and-whistles plan. Each plan provides different levels of service to fit your business’s needs.

VoIP Hardware

Next, another cost associated with a VoIP service is the hardware. Now, hardware is an interesting one because the cost is variable to a degree.

Usually, once you purchase a VoIP service you have to procure phones if you don’t possess them already.

Generally, you can decide to either purchase or rent the phones depending your needs and budget. This is obviously an added cost aside from the phone plan to consider when you purchase a VoIP plan. Thankfully, many VoIP providers can even recommend and quote phones for you should you wish.

VoIP Accessories

Lastly, one of the final VoIP costs to consider is accessories. Accessories can vary depending on your needs and your phone usage. You might not even need them at all. None the less, they can be an additional source of VoIP expenses that you might not directly consider.

Accessories can range from: headsets, to speakerphones, to video cameras, and so on.

Ending Thoughts

In all, as you can see there are various costs associated with a VoIP service. Aside from the service plan itself, the costs are usually found in the hardware and accessories that are separate from the plan

What other costs do you think are associated with a VoIP service?

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